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Chi Chung`s Infos

Name:  (chinese)  ¶À §Ó ²F 
            (english)  Elvin Wong Chi Chung 

Height:  6 ft 

Birthday:  24/07/65 

Education: ®û ·| ¾Ç °| ¶Ç ²z ¨t ²¦ ·~ 
                 ­» ´ä ¤j ¾Ç ªÀ ·| ¾Ç ºÓ ¤h 
Occupation at present: part time DJ (FM Select), °Æ ¥x ªø / VJ (cableYMC) 
Music He Likes: DJ/Dance , Indie , Alternative , rock , actually he listens to all kinds of music but I think his fav is DJ/Dance. 
His Music Influence: At the age around 8-9,his elder brother which is 7 yrs ahead of him introduced him foreign music.From then on,while friends around him was listening to all those hit cantonese songs,he was listening to rock bands such as 'Queen' & 'Yes'. 
History: 1985 - ¥[ ¤J °Ó ·~ ¹q ¥x ¥ô ¾  DJ  ( '85,part-time. '88,full-time)
                      ´¿ ¥D «ù ¸` ¥Ø ¡G ÁÅ ¹F ­µ ¼Ö ¤Ñ ªÅ 
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                                                 ¤@ ¤d ¹s ¤@ ©] / Night 1001 
                                                 Chi Chung`s Choice 

              1996 - ¬° ¦Û ¤v ªº ¼Ö ¶¤ " ¥Á ÃÀ ´_ ¿³  " §@ ºÊ »s 

              1995-96 - Cable YMC «È ®u VJ   ~ << ¦Ü´Lº] >> 

              11/1997 - ¥[ ¤J Cable YMC §@ °Æ ¥x ªø ¤Î full-time VJ 
                                                          ~ << °ê »Ú ­µ ¼Ö ¤Ñ ªÅ >> 
              1998 - Âà ©¹ ·s «° ¥ô ¾ Part-Time DJ 

thx Greenang for providing me such a great source of CC`s info!